Take action

IAM Healthcare is fighting to achieve a safe, fair and equitable healthcare system. This fight includes making improvements in our workplaces and making change on Capitol Hill. We stand with the lawmakers who support medicare-for-all, federal safe staffing limits, mental health parity, ending workplace related violence, and safe staffing in the VA (Veteran Affairs). Join our fight!
Fight Back

Trump's 2020 Budget

The Trump Administration wants to cut $1.4 trillion cut in Medicare and Medicaid services. Tell President Trump that the budget won’t be balanced on the backs of healthcare, education, and other social programs that help to preserve the American Dream. If this budget goes through, tens of millions of Americans will lose their healthcare and our hospitals will close.

Federal Contractor Back Pay

fighting to secure back pay for federal contract workers. More than 1 million federal contract workers went without pay during the longest government shutdown in history.

More than one million federal contract workers lost a month of paychecks during the longest government shutdown in history and now they should receive the back pay they deserve. This legislation would ensure back pay is granted up to a maximum of $1,400 a week.

Staff the VA

Our veterans valiantly served our country and for that sacrifice they deserve specialized quality patient care. But some politicians in Washington, DC want to continue to outsource veteran care to corporations that are more concerned with their bottom line. Support the VA Employee Fairness Act of 2019.

Workplace Violence Survey

Healthcare and behavioral health professionals should not have to spend their workday worrying about being assaulted. But all too often we’re attacked by those we are providing care for. Employers often do not provide the resources necessary to keep us safe. Share your story:


Our healthcare system is broken. The United States pays more for healthcare than any other country. But millions of people are not insured… Everyone deserves a fully funded and functional healthcare system. The only way to do that is to build support for Medicare-for-all.

Mental Health Parity

The work of mental health professionals needs to be valued the same as other forms of healthcare. IAM Healthcare is fighting to ensure that laws are not only enforced by strengthened to assure that those mental health professionals are treated with the respect they deserve.

Creating Hope for HealthCare

IAM Healthcare is working in a bi-partisan fashion to create a fair and equitable healthcare system for both patients and medical professionals: