A Union for Dietary & Nutrition Professionals

The roles played by Dietary and Nutrition staff are critical to serving patients in hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, and community-based care settings. Registered Dieticians, Nutritionists, Dietetic Technicians, and Dietary Aides ensure that the unique needs of each patient are accounted for and implemented in individualized care plans. Food Service staff, often within the same department, prepare and deliver meals according to these plans, as well as food safety regulations.

Whether you work for an in-house department or a contracted out nutrition and food service provider, chances are you’ve experienced challenges in recent years. While COVID-19 diminished access to appointments and services, it was taxing a system that was already stretched thin with understaffing, high turnover, and employer underinvestment.

Avoidable diseases are on the rise and will increase without appropriate dietary care. Healthcare corporations must act now to invest in recruitment, retention, and professional development. Dietary and Nutrition professionals can win the power to make sure these investments are made in our patients and our professions by unionizing and negotiating strong contracts with IAM Healthcare. Use the confidential form below to get in touch with us.