Our healthcare system is broken. Astronomical healthcare costs and lack of access continue to drive individuals, families, and businesses past their breaking point while insurance companies continue to soak-up billions of healthcare dollars as millions of children’s basic needs go unmet. Medicare has provided guaranteed healthcare for millions of seniors for more than 51 years. It’s time we have a Medicare for all, single-payer health care system that would end health disparities, effectively control costs, and assure that everyone has equal access to an excellent standard of care.

Each of us gets the health care we need through a single-payer health care system that guarantees health care for every person.

Medicare for All covers all medically necessary care, including: medical, vision, dental, hearing, and reproductive care. It’s one comprehensive plan with freedom to choose and no more networks restrictions.


Medicare for All pays for all covered health care services and therefore has the power to eliminate waste and control all of the costs. Nearly all individuals and businesses would save on healthcare.

Stand up for Single Payer! Sign the Petition: